The course “Climate change and adaptation on ecosystems and societies” will be realise with the support of the Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Just Fossil Fuel Transitions adding to the course a focus on just transition, the plans, strategies, actions and measures promoted by the EU regarding possible transition paths and the global initiative related to the creation of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The course has a semester duration awardin 6 ECTS for 48 hour of teaching. The course will be in presence and the priority for participation is given to students of University of Padova, some places will be available for interested people.

The course provides the essential theoretical and methodological elements to independently engage in the climate change debate and contribute to the development of public policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation, applicable to land management and local development pathways at both national and international levels :

Upon completing the course objectives, the student will:

  • understand the principles and elements of the meteorological-climatic system and the drivers of climate change
  • International and European policies for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (Green Deal, protocols, Agenda for sustainable development to 2030)
  • be knowledgeable about major international policies on climate mitigation and adaptation with a multi- and trans-scalar focus, especially concerning actions and measures for phasing out fossil fuels and the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT)
  • European strategies for just transition to climate change: 2030 and 2050 horizons + 1.5 *: Climate, land territory: global, regional and seasonal climate changes
  • Impacts of climate change on ecosystems and societies Mitigation and sustainable development paths within + 1.5 *
  • Supply side energy policies, Unburnable carbon and just and equity transition away from fossil fuel resources with a focus on bottom-up initiative to keep oil underground (Yasunization)
  • be proficient in using sustainable development indicators relevant to climate change issues
  • Manage changes in land use / land cover, reduction of soil waterproofing, loss of ecosystem services and biodiversity Adaptations and responses to climate change and integration with sustainable development goals
  • Adaptation to climate change in different contexts: mountain ecosystems, agro-ecosystems, urban ecosystems, tropical forests, coastal areas, islands and small islands
  • Adaptation and just transition to climate change and economic activities: tourism, agriculture, energy production, industrial activities, transport
  • be able to apply tools to implement best practices in climate-related fields useful for professional practice

Syllabus of the course: CLICK HERE