The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Just Fossil Fuel Transition and the international research group “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity” are pleased to invite you to our First International Conference on Climate Actions and Just Transition on 04th April from 17.00 – 23.00 (UTC+2), entirely dedicated to present the diverse perspectives on just transition beyond fossil fuel dependency through a fair and equity pathway groundend in climate justice and human rights principles.
In the second part, there will be a more dynamic session structured as a World Café, where participants will be actively engaged and they will rotate among four roundtables, each addressing a key issue related to the current climate crisis. These discussions will address various topics related to climate change, fostering a deeper understanding and critical reflection on the importance of analyzing this challenge through an intersectional lens.
The International Conference is framing inside the International Night of Geography 2025. An event taking place worldwide on Friday 04th April 2025. Since its first edition in 2018, World Geography Night (GeoNight) aims to highlight geography and geographers and to be able to give the general public the opportunity to become familiar with geographical concepts and studies, making geographical research more accessible to all.
The participation in the International Conference is open to all and totally free of charge.
// Download Flyer of the International Conference
ALERT | The registration links for the two events are distinct and separate due to their different formats. Registering for one event does not automatically confirm registration for the other.
WEBINAR | Imagine Alternatives: Institutions, research, movements
// Webinar | To participate – REGISTER HERE
Program of the Webinar (17.00 – 20.00, UTC+2)
Institutional opening of University of Padova
Keynote Speakers
– The 35 Years of Jean Monnet Initiatives EU and the World | Sophie Beernaerts, Director of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
– Climates of transition: Coal, cotton and capitalogenic crisis | Jason W. Moore, World-Ecology Research Collective, Binghantom University
– Research and Activism for Just Transition and Leaving Fossil Fuels Underground | Massimo De Marchi, Coordinator of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Just Fossil Fuel Transition, ICEA Department, University of Padova
– Stop Fossil Fuels from Fuelling Conflict: Why we need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty | Tzeporah Berman, Steering Committee Chair of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative
– Who pays the pathway on low-carbon societies? Political ecology reflections on the real victims of the transition | Benjamin Sovacool, Director of the Sussex Energy Group at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex Business School in the United Kingdom
// Webinar | To participate – REGISTER HERE
// Download Flyer of the International Conference
ALERT | The registration links for the two events are distinct and separate due to their different formats. Registering for one event does not automatically confirm registration for the other.
WORLD CAFÉ | Reflections for Climate Empowerment: a pluriverse and post-extractivist future
// World Café| To participate – REGISTER HERE
Program of the World Café (21.00 – 23.00, UTC+2)
Word Café: Participants will actively engage in the discussion while rotating among four distinct roundtables, each featuring international speakers, including academics and activists.
Keep Oil Underground : Preserve the Amazon biomes from Tipping Point
Carlos Larrea, Coordinator Área Ambiente y Sostenibilidad, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar Ecuador and member of FFNPT Steering Committee
Where are the movement at? The repression of climate activits
Matteo Spini, independent research and member of the World Congress for Climate Justice Organising Committee
Climate Action Empowerment from a feminist perspective
Natalia Tsuyama and Ana Heloisa Oliveira Alves, member of youth-led organization Engajamundo, Brazil
Pay Up and Phase Out
François Kamate, environmental activist from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Debt for climate DR Congo
// World Café | To participate – REGISTER HERE
// Download Flyer of the International Conference
ALERT | The registration links for the two events are distinct and separate due to their different formats. Registering for one event does not automatically confirm registration for the other.