Just Fossil Fuel Transitions Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence welcomes passionate people desiring transformative change for internships related to thesis.

Priority is given for students of University of Padova, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar Quito, Université Norbert Zongo Koudougou, Université Joseph Ki Zerbo Ouagadougou.

Other candidatures can be evaluated after previous priorities are satisfied.

Preferences will be given for candidates with the following skills, abilities and experiences:

  • Following one or more university courses offered by professors involved with the Centre
  • A solid commitment to Just Fossil Fuel Transitions Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence values
  • Interest and knowledge about the issues of Just Transition, Unburnable Carbon and Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty initiative 
  • Good research writing and editing skills
  • Good command of written and spoken English, Italian or Spanish
  • Good Skills on GIScience tools and instruments 
  • Good skills in Microsoft Office computer programs

Please send us your CV and a cover letter in one pdf file with authorization to process personal data (Legislative Decree 196/2003, GDPR EU Regulation 2016/679) via email to:
EN [email protected]
IT [email protected]