The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Just Fossil Fuel Transition collaborates with leading universities worldwide to promote research and education on sustainable development, climate justice, and fair energy transitions. Its academic partners bring years of expertise, offering diverse regional and thematic perspectives on climate change adaptation and socio-economic diversification.
In Europe, the University of Padua (UniPD) significantly supports the Centre’s teaching and research. Its “Climate Change, Territories, Diversity” research group focuses on GIScience and territorial analysis to promote fair energy transitions, while the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Programme on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development (CCD-STeDe) prepares specialists in climate policies, risk-reduction, and sustainable territorial development. Similarly, the University of Madeira (UMa) enhances the Centre’s work through research groups such as the UMa-CIERL Landscape Group and CEEAplA, focusing on landscape studies and applied economics. UMa’s Master in Regional and Local Studies (MERL) further strengthens its international profile.
Outside the EU, non-European partners provide critical insights and alternative perspectives. Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB) in Ecuador, part of the Andean Integration System, leads postgraduate studies on climate change, sustainability, and equitable development. The University of Johannesburg (UJ) in South Africa attracts students from SADEC and sub-Saharan Africa and offers advanced studies in Geography, Environmental Management, and Energy Studies, pioneering GIS and environmental management in the region. Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (UJKZ), the largest university in Burkina Faso, emphasizes research aligned with national development goals through its three doctoral schools. Université Norbert Zongò (UNZ), a younger institution in Burkina Faso, focuses on economic, scientific, and humanistic education, addressing issues like climate variability and pastoral adaptation.
By integrating expertise from these institutions, the Centre promotes a just energy transition while safeguarding ecosystems and supporting local economies. Its global collaboration reflects a commitment to sustainable solutions for the challenges posed by climate change.