The new Centre of Excellence Jean Monnet on Just Fossil Fuel Transition

The new CoE Jean Monnet on Just Fossil Fuel Transition (JFFTs) aspires to hold up the EU climate actions and measures to reach the carbon neutrality through a just and equity socio-economic and energery transition path. Moreover, the Centre will spread the global initiative of the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT), already endorsed by the European Parliament and focus on accelerating the non-proliferation, global disarmament and peaceful transition from fossil fuels.
The general objectives of the JFFTs are:

  1. Strengthen the knowledge about the Just Fossil Fuel Transition supporting EU policymaking within Europe and worldwide;
  2. Based on the 4 priorities defined by the Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Plan, foster dialogue as hub between academic world, policy makers, organizations and movements of civil societies in the development of possible phase out strategies or plans from fossil fuels, integrating the social virtuous practices within decision-making processes;
  3. Disseminate and Divulgate scientific information beyond academia and specialized audiences, to reach out to a wider public, bringing the EU closer to the people, promoting public diplomacy, EU values, and make visible the commitments of European Union on climate action and policies, social cohesion and a constructive cooperation in order to support international societal changes in the path of a fair and peaceful transition from fossil fuels.