Staff members

Massimo De Marchi – Academic Coordinator Geographer, working on participatory natural resources management, conflict management, environmental policies. Co-Director of Joint program on “Climate Change Policies, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”, Università di Padova (UNIPD), Andean University Simón Bolívar (UASB), Quito, Ecuador (EQF 7). He is the general Academic Coordinator of the STeDe-CCD Joint Master Degree, with along trajectory on teaching EU environmental policies and on EU initiatives about comparative environmental sustainability in different EU countries and world regions.

Alberto Lanzavecchia – Member of Scientific Committee. Economist, working on Microfinance for Social Change, Human rights, multi-level governance, at University of Padova. Deals with development studies in a comparative EU Africa and Asia perspectives.

Benewindé Jean-Bosco Zoungrana – Member of Scientific Committee. Physical geographer, specialized in land use changes related to climate changes and agricultural resilience. He works at Université Joseph Ki Zerbo, Burkina Faso on comparative approaches on climate and agricultural policies between Europe and Sub-saharian Africa.

Carlos Larrea – Member of Scientific Committee Political. Economist, Director Academic Area on Environment and Sustainability, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito. He works on Development Theories, Climate Change, Approaches in social and environmental sciences. Long experience on EU comparative studies on economy of resources, involved in many university cooperation initiatives between EU and Latin America.

Anna Lucia Bravo – Member of Scientific Committee. Coordinator of the Graduate program in climate change and sustainable agroecosystems of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. She works on issues related to Food Sovereignty as an alternative proposal to the development conventional model in the agricultural realm and in particular she focus on designing and analyzing proposals for national and local public policies to promote Food Sovereignty as a new agricultural paradigm.

Eduardo Noboa – Member of Scientific Committee. Economist, specialized in energy transition and climate policy, with emphasis on the integration of socio-technical and political perspectives for energy sovereignty. He deals with EU – Latin America comparative studies on energy. Leuphana University Lüneburg, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito.

Maria Helena Dias Rebelo – Member of Scientific Committee. Coordinator of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at Universidade da Madeira (UMa) and Vice-President of the Faculty of Art and Humanities. Her research focuses on lingustic topics and in particular dialectometric variation from a geographical perspective.

Francesca Peroni – Member of Scientific Committee. PhD research in progress in Geography at the University of Padova. She works on urban sustainability and climate adaptation, soil sealing and urban ecosystem services adopting GIScience and PGIS approaches. 

Lee-Ann Sade Modley – Member of Scientific Committee. Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of Department of Geography Environmental management and Energy studies at the University of Johannesburg. She is passionate about working with community members to sustainably develop community-based water management and ecological restoration plans. 

Abdoul Azise Sodore – Member of Scientific Committee. Head of the department of Geography at the University Joseph KI-ZERBO, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. He is an expert in the use of GIS instrument and software for the sustainable territorial development, spatial planning and local development.

Pawendkisgou Isidore Yanogo – Member of Scientific Committee. Human geographer, Université Norbert Zongo, Burkina Faso, He works on the adaptation of agricultural systems to climate changes, climate change vulnerability, and territorial analyses for local development. He works on comparative approaches on climate and agricultural policies between Europe and Sub-saharian Africa.

Salvatore Pappalardo – CJ Researcher and Member of Scientific Committee. Human geographer, working on climate change and its impact on local communities, socio-environmental conflicts, and on the use of GIScience for climate policy representation. Coordinator of the Professional Master in GIScience and UAV (University of Padova). He deals with unbunnable carbon studies in a comparative EU/Latin America perspective.

Daniele Codato – CJ Researcher Member of Scientific Committee. Human geographer, specialized in spatial and multitemporal analyses in complex territories, and climate-related issues. He works on a global atlas on unburnable carbon comparing EU and global spatial policies on fossil fuels.

Alberto Diantini – CJ Research and Member of Scientific Committee. Human geographer, working on Social Impact Assessment of fossil fuel development in complex territories. He deals with EU – Latin America comparative studies on territory and fossil fuel transition.