Here you can find the videos and presentations of the event “Just Transition for Worthy Lives: beyond fossil and green colonialism” held on 06th December 2024 from the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Just Fossil Fuel Transition and the international research group “Climate Change, Territories, Diversities”. The event is a session within the conference “Oltre la Globalizzazione: Transizioni/Transitions” organized by the Society of Geographic Studies (SSG) in Florence, Italy

Climate Justice for a Fair and Just Transition: A Multicriteria Analysis of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Emanuele Lucci
This presentation offers a geovisualization of a potential transition human and climate justice centered in a country with a significant extractivism sector, utilizing Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) within a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. The selected criteria using in the investigation encompass three spheres: environment, economy, and society
Land-Just Transitions: Citizen Opposition to Renewable Grabbing in the EU
Mathilde Gingembre
This discussion reflects on the risks inherent in the transition process, emphasizing the potential for maintaining the same dynamics of neoliberal capitalism characteristic of fossil fuel industries, while merely changing the type of natural resource.
The example discussed relates to land-grabbing processes associated with the development of industrial renewable energy plants.
Climate Justice and the PiTESAI Case: Towards a New Plan for Non-Proliferation and Abandonment of Fossil Fuels for a Just Transition in Italy
Daniele Vezzelli
This presentation examines the case of the Italian PiTESAI (Piano per la Transizione Energetica Sostenibile delle Aree Idonee) and its implications for climate justice and the transition away from fossil fuels in Italy. It explores the annulment of the PiTESAI plan and its consequences and the main issues of the original plan in achieving a just transition. The discussion highlights the need for a revised plan that integrates both local and international dimensions. The contribution then proposes principles for a new plan centered on the non-proliferation and phase-out of fossil fuels, aiming to align Italy’s policies with global climate targets.
Tren Maya: an economic booster or an environmental and social disaster?
Fateme Boostani
The study focuses on the socio-environmental analysis of the Tren Maya mega-project in Mexico, a railway infrastructure connecting five federal states. While the project aims to support economic growth in the region, it poses significant threats to the environment and local communities
Ecuadorian Amazon Region: Agroecological Multitudes and Overcoming Geographies of Extractivist Sacrifice
Francesco Facchinelli
The presentation examines the potential role of agroecology in helping the Ecuadorian Amazon region overcome the “sacrifice geographies” imposed by multiple forms of extractivism under the neoliberal regime. It adopts both a theoretical and practical approach. Theoretically, it explores how agroecology might transcend the traditional (and often contradictory) dualism between protected areas and sacrifice zones by embracing a “Nature’s Matrix” perspective. Practically, it investigates how agroecological movements within the region are already mobilizing against territorial degradation, building networks, and fostering “geographies of hope”—spatiotemporal utopias that challenge and move beyond the misery of extractivism.
Sustainable and Circular Urban Futures: GIS-Based Green Roof Modelling for Urban Heat Island Mitigation and Agroecological Food Production to Enhance Climate Resilience in Padova
Abdullah Ahmadi
This GIS analysis evaluates the potential of rooftops in the city of Padua, Italy, for energy and food production. This reflection aims to assist the administration in identifying overlooked urban spaces, thereby reducing soil consumption—a critical issue that exacerbates climate change impacts and depletes ecosystem services essential for citizen well-being.
Connecting Clim-activism Practices: A Collaborative Platform for Urban Heat Island Mapping
Letizia Caroscio and Chiara Richiardi
This contribution focuses on the role of technologies in supporting climate activism and engaging communities through the use of open-source data and tools for creating and sharing knowledge. It aims to address urban heat islands (UHIs) using a participatory and transdisciplinary approach
The repression of climate activism as a brake on ecological transition: the Italian case
Matteo Spini
This speech addresses the sensitive topic of the relationship between citizens and power in the context of a climate emergency. It reflects on how the Italian state has chosen to restrict and suppress spaces for climate action and protest, using different methodologies and practices.